I needed to hear this…

This comment was left on my “About” page.  For some reason, I needed to hear this today.   Maybe it is the line “…now in a loving relationship…”  Maybe it is the hope.

By the way, I appreciate so much all the comments left on my blog.

I divorced a PA man almost 4 years ago after being married to him for 22 years. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder about 2 years before I left him and am absolutely positive living with him was the cause. I still find myself unable to get off the meds and even have flash backs when some event triggers a memory of him and the life I had. I am now in a loving relationship (and no way a PA one) , am financially Independent and with twin boys heading off to college. I wish I never stayed in that relationship as long as I did, though I didn’t know he was PA until much later. I don’t know if the pain he caused me will ever go away or if I will ever be free of these meds but I am at least free of him. I can’t stress enough to anyone that is with a PA man, to get out, and get out as fast as you can, because it can change you forever if you don’t .

This entry was posted in covert abuse, divorce, emotional abuse, family, marriage, passive aggressive, passive aggressive behavior, relationships and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to I needed to hear this…

  1. chosetobehappy says:

    Thanks for sharing that, I think WE ALL NEEDED to hear this one… maybe eventually it will really sink in.

  2. mourninglight says:

    “it can change you forever”

    sad and true
    This is probably why I avoid mirrors. I might not like how I look, but I most hate not recognizing who I am.


  3. Evelyn says:

    I’m in process of divorcing my very passive aggressive husband, after almost six years. Those have been the worst years of my life. There is absolutely no way to reason with someone of that mindset. I’m reading a book, “Beyond Boundaries and it helping me reconnect to who I was before this “waste of my time.” I’m hopeful for a better future….after July 2014.

  4. In December of 2013, it was our 28th wedding anniversary. It made me sad because I always hoped things would get better as we aged. Its very disappointing. I wonder why I feel stuck here, i’m not sure. But, I do have hope and that is what your post is about, hope. I’ve been saving money, whatever I can so hopefully when I’m emotionally strong enough, I won’t care, I can just leave the marriage without financial strain. That’s what my hope looks like these days. My greatest fear is hurting my family. I think of all the small things that help us to still hope that one day we will be in a better place in our life, and without a PA spouse. I appreciate your blog, it make me feel that I’m not alone in this world and you’re not alone either. Many blessings to you.

  5. betternotbroken says:

    What a lovely thing to share, thank you. For me, it hit home because I didn’t characterize the person as was married with as passive aggressive until a year after the divorce. Passive Aggressive men were “normal.” I wish you and the person with the two twin boys a happy non passive aggressive future.

  6. giorge thomas says:

    Maybe you needed to hear that, but I think you also need to take her advice!

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