“When My Rapist Showed Up In ‘People You May Know'”

WARNING:  this may be a trigger!!!  Be careful!!!



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2 Responses to “When My Rapist Showed Up In ‘People You May Know'”

  1. Why I stay off of FB–my life rapist (ex-non-husband) and an attacker from high school will pop up as “people you may know”. No FB. I do not know them as people, I only know them as monsters.

  2. Cindy says:

    I read a Charisma News article explaining that FB is a lie. People post stuff/photos that are simply not real. Fake smiles, staged pics, outright fabrications…I spend very little time on FB. But my daughter and son-in-law are logged on constantly, so I have to keep up with them!!
    But yes, FB is hurtful that way. I ran across photos of my ex with his girlfriend, lots of photos, while we were still legally married. He was living with her, but she was so shameless to post that crap.
    Was VERY upsetting for me.

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